
The Fatherhood of God: Being the First Course of the Cunningham Lectures is unavailable, but you can change that!

The lectures contained in The Fatherhood of God were first delivered in 1864 as part of the Cunningham Lecture Series in Edinburgh, Scotland. Candlish revised the lectures for book form, adding detailed notes at the end of each lecture. The following lectures are included: • “The Original Relation of Man to God” • “The Fatherhood of God, as Manifested in the Person of Christ, the...

directly from thence. Here there is no analogy; or, if there is, it is all the other way. It is not analogical reasoning from the human to the divine, but from the divine to the human. There is presented before our eyes the actual working out, in human nature and human experience, of the only relation of fatherhood and sonship which God would have us to realise as possible between himself and us. He would be our father, not as we are the fathers of our children, but as he is the father of his Son
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